Saturday, October 29, 2016

Today David was able to get up the stairs and he sat in the living room watching the boys for a while, so I was able to get a little machine time. I worked on the last five pairs of booties.

And on my postage stamp quilt. I didn't get a lot done, but it was enough to refresh me and set me up for the next day or so.

I still have to lift David in and out of bed, and I made the decision that I am not having my knee replaced until we get a bathroom down here, if I can make myself last that long.

David is sleeping right now, but when he wakes up I am going to go out and do some piecing on Ernestine or Vanessa, I don't want to wake him up they are so close to the bedroom door. I am going to try to get the Tumbling Stars top done while he is laid up between my nursing chores. I honestly think most of the things I have to do should be done in the hospital, and this rush to send people home is only because the insurance companies don't want to pay out to the hospital. I don't grudge nursing David at all, it's not that, but lifting him physically in and out of bed is beyond what I am able to do and I am starting to serious back problems as well as exacerbating my knee and hip problems. Not to mention what  it is doing to my fibromyalgia.

Well I shouldn't have gotten started on my gripe with hospitals and insurance companies. it doesn't do any good and just makes me more angry. I'll just think how nice it will be when David recovers and doesn't have any more hip pain to make him grouchy and unable to do the things he wants to do. In another week or less he will be able to manage getting in and out of bed himself and things will be easier.

My assistant does not understand why I am not at my machines upstairs. She didn't come around while I was sewing up there, but she's down here now looking at me as if I was being lazy instead of busy with David. She will just have to wait!

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