Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The great basement cleanup is done as far as I can go. The dungeon side that is, I start on the sitting room tomorrow.
 While to the untrained eye it might not look any different, it is, 2 boxes of garbage went out, and a box for Goodwill. I've got a pile of stuff that need to be cleaned and fired and another pile of stuff that needs to be glazed and fired. Every thing out in the open are things that are waiting for attention, and now I have room to give it too them.
The only thing I have left to do in that part of the basement is level the wheel. We are hoping to get a heater for that part of the basement this winter and if we do I'll be able to use the wheel and keep weaving all winter. I hope. If not I can get ready for spring. If I were a gardener I would have to wait to spring, so how can I complain about that? I always will have my sewing machines, there is never any shortage of things to do.
Yesterday poor little Sammy wanted to go out into the garage, but Gramps wasn't feeling good so he couldn't, he was devastated. Gramps said he felt like cuddling though, but Sammy said he didn't deserve to cuddle if he couldn't go out to the garage. Poor Gramps. Having a five year old grandson keeps one on ones toes!

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