Monday, October 24, 2016

Pin basting my 1st pineapple quilt. I hate basting, so I got it over quickly. My assistant tried to help me but she is not allowed on the table so got frustrated and tried to pull it off the table making it a little difficult to get it flat. She did have a momentary lapse and jumped up and started rolling on the quilt but I had forgotten to put the memory card in my camera so I didn't get a picture of her. She produced gales of laughter until I chased her down.

David's surgery is day after tomorrow, he has thought of a couple of things I need to do for him, which is pretty much what I expected, and I can cope. I still have a few more things to get out of the way in the sitting room, but it's pretty much done. I am hoping while he is down here I will be able to get at least one quilt top done down here, but he is not always a patient patient so I expect to be running up and down the stairs a lot; maybe I'll lose some weight. I have about 6 pair of booties I want to finish upstairs tomorrow and Wednesday morning, he doesn't have to be at the hospital until noon. I will be glad when it is over.

Last night Ambrosina had to go the E-room, she cut her finger while she was fixing dinner and had to have 5 stitches, she is in quite a bit of pain.

Tomorrow we are planning to go to the butterfly house one last time before his surgery, it is a lovely calm place to go, we enjoy it a lot and don't know when we will get a chance to go again. One last thing to get done before David's surgery!

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