Sunday, September 4, 2016

"Well it's still not my quilt is it?" Poor Happy, not living up to her name today, but tomorrow will be better, I am basting Tumbling Blocks. The day after that the boys start school, and for the first time in 12 years there won't be any little boys here during the day. Poor Gramps, then he won't be happy, he will miss his little side pard who starts school this year.
Yesterday we did a walk through of the basement to see what we will need to do for when he comes home from the hospital after his hip replacement. We don't have a date yet, but we want to be prepared so we don't have to do it all at once. It won't be too bad since I have been getting rid of some stuff and putting other things away. I still have too much junk but it is getting better, the whole rear part of the van is stuff for Goodwill and I have some other stuff in mind. As I get older I am finding it easier to get rid of stuff and I find I'd rather have fabric and sewing machines rather than "stuff".
I am going to clean out the top shelf of my barristers case to put my weaving books in since the glass is broken and I want my weaving books to hand right now.
It shouldn't take too long, I have in mind where most of it is going to go, and I have taken a lot of things out of the other shelves. Time to get busy!

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