Monday, September 12, 2016

This is Stanley Fat Squirrel, (Stanley from Ambrosina, Fat Squirrel from me) he visits us daily and is so tame that he almost takes corn and nuts from us. He certainly is not shy. There is a definite chill in the air, and I fear an early fall and winter. We hope not early snow. Meanwhile the squirrels are busy, and are enjoyable to watch.
Things are falling into place for David's surgery, he sees his heart specialist Thursday morning just to make sure he's ok there. I've been working away at my quilting.
Here is the Tumbling Blocks with my assistant, the pink is the back, there isn't a lot of pink on the front, but I have so much pink solid that there are quite a few more backs that will be pink I am afraid, my budget being what it is, and the fact that we need new tires all the way around on the van before winter. The next top is coming along pretty good, ten blocks are done on the star quilt as yet unnamed, and four on the Drunkard's Path. I like variety, and I have plenty of UFOs in the pipeline.
I haven't done any weaving for a couple of days, but I plan to this afternoon, after lunch. There might even be a nap after lunch, if feels like a nappy sort of day.

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