Sunday, September 18, 2016

 Tumbling Blocks is finished. Front and back views are shown. I need to find a better place to take pictures because they are always shown lighter in color than the quilt actually is. This quilt is vibrant in real life and really attracts the eye, but here it is shown dull. Yes it is another pink back, I can't afford not to use the fabric since I have it; eventually it will be gone and I will be able to be more imaginative with the backs. When I figure out a place to take pictures I will post better ones, because it is a shame not to get the bright colors out in the open.
I pulled Happy Trails out of the tub to quilt next, I want to see how it will look after it is done and after it is quilted I will sew vintage buttons on for eyes.
Last night when I couldn't sleep I got up and did some piecing instead of laying there wishing I could sleep. Nothing disturbs David, he didn't even know I got up. I will do that more, now that I know for sure it doesn't bother him.
I've been pouring ceramic turtle bowl molds. Rose wants me to make them for her to sell in her booth and if she can't sell them then all the grandkids will get a turtle bowl, I really like doing my ceramic stuff, but it is more physically taxing than the sewing and weaving, so I am going to sell most of the molds and the big kiln, when I get around to it that is, I am in no hurry until they start work on that part of the basement. If I had started younger I might have made a business of it, but I think it's too late now for me to make much money at it, I can't work as hard as I used to, and since I haven't a place of my own it makes sense to relieve some of the load and I am at peace with my decision. There are other things I have decided that I never will get around to, such as basket weaving although I still like to read about it, I think that I will be just fine with my quilting and weaving. I still like to learn new things though. My sister makes soap, and it seems really interesting. I wonder.......

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