Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My assistant was Happy today.
 Her reactions to David's surgery have been mostly "What is that man doing in my bed all day?" and "Why aren't you up here sewing on your machines like you are supposed to?"

 Well, David and I spent all morning upstairs and some of the early afternoon, so I got a pile of booties done.

It's not a very big pile of booties true, but it is progress, and I only have one more pair to sew and then I will concentrate on the knitted ones and sew other things when I am upstairs. I have a pretty long list of things I need to get done this winter, so there will be plenty to choose from as well as the quilting.

David is doing very well, he was ready for nap when we came downstairs, but not in a lot of pain. I expect it to only be a couple of days before he gets tired of sitting around and wants to be doing something, but I have plans ready to go for that, and things ready to put into place to keep him occupied. We set the alarm for the middle of the night meds and he did better so we will keep it up for the next couple of nights at least, and see how it goes after that. I myself, need a nap, that alarm at 3 in the morning is quite unpleasant and I have trouble getting back to sleep after he has his meds. The thing is: it is all short term, I hate to think how I would feel if this were a permanent situation, although I suppose I would get used to it.

I did manage to make a Tumbling Stars block yesterday; although I didn't get everything put away I did make a lot of progress and so rewarded myself by doing something fun. I am now going to check over the booties to see if there are any imperfections I need to fix and label them for size. Then comes that nap.

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