Wednesday, November 23, 2016

This morning a particularly apt song popped into my head as I started to quilt on the log cabin I am currently working on. The song was from my years of Sesame Street while raising my children, "Can you guess which thing is not like the other before my song is done?"  I tried to position the last dark strip under the needle and I couldn't figure out where to start. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what was wrong.
Can you see it?
How about this in this one. Yup I got two of  the blocks rotated wrong. At this stage in the game I am not going to take it apart for repairs. It is a memorial to my imperfection. It will keep me humble. I will just work around it. In years past I would have worked until I was sick to get things perfect, it spoiled the joy in my work, now not so much, maybe not at all. I just chalk it up to life experience and get on with the work in hand. It makes me more versatile, more relaxed, easier to live with. For many years I expected perfection in myself and since I was perfect (not) I expected perfection in others. I was frustrated a lot, and serves me right. Now I have learned to be more tolerant. I have a long way to go, but now that I can allow myself to not be perfect life is a lot more enjoyable for myself and everyone around me. I am just sorry it took so long.

Today the kids are off school, but they are over at Grandma's, she loves them to pieces and they have such a good time. Tomorrow Timothy and Rosa are going to spend the day and we are going to have an MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3,000) marathon. For the uninitiated it's really bad old movies with an hysterically funny sort of narration by a guy and 2 robots. It's just the way we always watched tv and very funny. Abrosina is fixing a lot of good food and we will enjoy the company of family. Pretty good.

I am now going to turn to basting my hexagons, when they are all basted then I am going to take a day and clean down here, I've let it go again. Surely in all this clutter there is some more junk I can get rid of!

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