Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I know that this must sound odd, but I am much more tired than David is, even though he is the one who had the surgery. Now that he is somewhat on his feet again I am not running up and down the stairs as many times a day, but still a lot. He is starting to want to be independant of the the walker, just using a cane and that will make it easier because even though he can go up and down the stairs unaided now I still have to carry the walker up and down for him. Thursday is his doctor's appointment and he is hoping to get the word that he can put the walker away and just use the cane. I hope so too.
I like the way the back is looking on the Pineapple quilt.
So does my assistant Happy, in fact I barely got time to take the first picture before she got there. We reached the three quarters of the way done this morning, so I have to find the fabric I plan to use for the binding and get the next top out so I can work on piecing the back for it. To some people it might seem same old, same old, but I so enjoy the process and find it endlessly fascinating. One takes little pieces of fabric, one could call them rags, that most people would throw away, sew them together and turn them into a big piece of useful cloth. Amazing. I never get tired of it. Sometimes they are even beautiful, although I have made some pretty ugly quilts in my time.

Well anyway, I am getting a pretty good stack of coasters, trivets, mug rugs, whatever one wants to call them. I hope they are as popular next summer as they were this last summer.
These are all of a similar color because I have white thread on the machine, when I get to other colored thread there will be a greater variety of colors in the product, I'll probably do red or yellow next. To me there is a great satisfaction in being able to see what I have accomplished during the day. I hate wasting time by not being busy, and even when I am watching tv I am working on something by hand. If I had to sit and  my hands be idle I would go crazy. The only place I sit with my hands idle is at meeting and even then I have my Bible to use so it's not quite so bad as just sitting would be.

So now I am going to go look into my tub of quilt tops and decide which to quilt next. Fun!

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