Thursday, November 3, 2016

David had his doctor's appointment today, and the word is good! Little swelling, the wound is healing well, hardly any pain and best of all: his heart is doing good. It is a little worrying when he had to have anything done because of his heart problem, but he has stood the situation well. For the first time he dressed himself without any help, no more kneeling in front of him. Not that I mind the kneeling, it's just the getting up that is a problem

It was also payday today, so I didn't get any sewing done. I also went a little crazy at the fabric store,
some much needed therapy after this last week of nursing. I had the usual shopping to do, but I forgot to fill my prescriptions when I went to Walmart a predicament that I put down to being so tired I don't know whether I am coming or going. Some of the fabrics are earmarked for a couple of different projects and the others are just because I don't really have enough fabrics to have a wide enough variety when I am working on something. I could use more than one green too, but green isn't one of my favorite colors and will have to wait until next month.

So tomorrow, because I forgot my meds I will have to run out to Walmart again but it won't take me long and I hope to get some sewing done when I get back. I have a possible commission for a twin size quilt, and if I get it I will put my current quilting on hold to make it. Either way I like the mornings when I can accomplish something; for the rest of the day today I'll do some handsewing and knitting. I can't say the day has been a total loss because we got a good doctor's report, but it seems like I haven't gotten anything done, so the handsewing will be an encouragement to me, I enjoy it so much!

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