Monday, November 28, 2016

I am nearly going blind on this computer. David's has quit entirely and I can use this one to check my email and on Facebook but is in such bad shape everything is ghostlike. I had the resident computer genius look at it and he says the motherboard is burning out, or burnt out, toast is a word that comes mind. It won't download pictures from my camera or upload or whatever the correct word is. I had Ambrosina take pictures of this morning's project with her camera and email them to me, and that worked on Facebook so I will see if that works here.

This is a basket, a really big basket, I'm afraid the pictures don't show how big they actually are, Ambrosina didn't spend a lot of time on it being busy. I think she's nice to do it at all, but then I have always bragged about what a good daughter I have. I didn't intend to make them any bigger than the last one I showed, but this one got away from me. I'm afraid it won't hold it's shape, and I will not make anymore this big, it takes a lot of time and materials. I was thinking of putting handles on it, but if someone loaded it full and lifted it by the handles I was afraid it would tear them off.

I am counting the days until my new computer comes, I will have to share it with David, but we will cope, we have shared most things in life, some very hard things so a computer will be relatively easy. However if he eats cookies while using it, it will be at his peril!

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