Tuesday, November 22, 2016

It took me a full day to get back in stride and I am still not feeling very good, but at least I got something done.
Sort of. I know that I have a proclivity for turning under and catching the wrong edge of the quilt when I am quilting, I know that I have to be careful, and I wasn't. So I had to do some ripping out this morning. Nothing new in that.

Waddles is still a young cat and he is playful, not only that he thinks he is up for the position of assistant. It took some time to get it ripped out and I had to keep putting him on the floor. Happy is my assistant and he needs to learn that.
Despite my goof up I managed to get my quilt to the half way point, here it is being inspected by my assistant. These two cats may look a lot alike, but in person they are easy to tell apart. Today was one of those days where I feel like it was all uphill, so I am surprised I got anything done, but I kept pushing and made a basket and did a little quilting so the day wasn't entirely a loss. Now that the quilt is half done I have to be thinking of which top to do next and what I want to use for the back, always fun.

The house is pretty torn up today, we had a new dryer and dishwasher delivered. They installed the dryer but not the dishwasher, saying they don't install dishwasher's but Leon paid to have it installed, so it is going to be a difficult couple of days until they get it figured out where the problem is. Meanwhile the old dishwasher doesn't work. The new dryer works great though.

So back to basting hexagons for me. I want to get them all prepped this week. If I feel I need a change I can knit more booties, I still haven't got a very big stock of them. There is always something to do.

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