Wednesday, January 18, 2017

It looks like she is wearing a hood, but her beautiful flatness up and to the left of the needle gives me endless more possibilities for my baskets. The names Martha and Gertie have been suggested for her, of the two I like Martha better, but I don't know yet.

Tomorrow I will make a lid for this one, and since I have a lot of these fabric strips I am going to make a set of graduated sizes with buttons from my collection on the tops for handles. I like this shape a lot and I think they will sell well.

I am trying to plan a quilt with gray and silver-gray and light turquoise, I got some very pretty prints in those colors on sale last month, and I am getting tired of the solids I've been using that I got from Rose, so for a change I will use some prints and try a different pattern. I will, of course, go back and use the solids, but a person needs a change every so often.

Oh no, David kicked over my jar of beads that I use for a doorstop, I've done it twice myself, you'd think I would have moved it by now. Waddles the second assistant is having a blast "helping" to pick them up. I was planning to start beading yesterday's basket this afternoon, I guess I just wasn't fast enough. The worst part of them getting all over the floor is that I always manage to step on one in my bare feet after I think I have them all picked up. Yes I definitely will move them today. As I work on beading my basket I am going to watch some quilting shows, they will help me decide what pattern I might want to use, then I will be able to figure out if I have all the fabric I need.

We are in the middle of our January thaw, we haven't had much snow so far this winter. Leon has the credit for that: he bought a snow blower this year. After the thaw we will get more cold weather and we could get a lot more snow, but for now I will take what I get. The sun has shifted enough towards the spring equinox that we get a little sunshine through the high up window down here for about an hour in the afternoon, that too is welcome!

So back to work for me, especially as I have several hundred beads to pick up. Sigh.

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