Wednesday, January 4, 2017

David put this shelf up for me this morning.
It can't be seen easily because it's wire, but once I have my fabric on it I will be able to see my fabrics at a glance. I don't think they will fill it because I don't have a very big stash, but being able to see it at a glance will be nice; I'll be able to tell what I need for the project I'm working on or planning. With our small space having things just because we like to look at them is a luxury and I'm keeping fewer and fewer things around that are pretty but useless. This will free up some of my closet space for actual clothes.

I have the next project planned for Ernestine the treadle when Tumbling Stars is finished sometime this week, I have been wanting to do a pinwheel quilt, and i even have one about half done so I will dig that out and put it together, it will be fast, but most of all it will be fun, and one less project I have to finish. I think that Ufos will be worked on down here and new projects will be started upstairs.

I got about 3 of these blocks put together, and then 1st assistant Happy decided to come to my aid. I took a picture of the 1st block and in looking at the picture saw a mistake. I like the way that they are coming together though, and 1st thing tomorrow I will fix the mistake. I got a total of 4 out of 16 done today, but they will go faster because I've got the best way figured out now. Faster after I fix the mistake I mean. While Happy was visiting I got a bunch of stuff put away, then she left and I was able to do another one before lunch. I do love her sweet little face looking out at me, it's such a pretty little face.

I've also been going through my tubs of strips to find pink and burgundy, I am going to sort them out to start the Log Cabin Heart as soon as I finish En Provence upstairs. Still no part of Juki and I am starting to get annoyed, I suppose I should call the "guy" again, he seemed to have a very relaxed attitude, which is ok for him, but I have work to get done. Fretting won't get me anywhere though, and I do have other things to do, for instance, sorting fabric onto my new shelf. Climbing up won't be my favorite part of it, but it will be over with quickly enough I don't have that much. So, on to the next task.

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