Monday, January 16, 2017

 These are some fabrics I picked up at my favorite thrift shop the other day, they came through the laundry this morning and I am going to fold them and put them on the shelf. They are some very nice greens and purples with a sort of Asian pattern. Very pretty, I will have fun planning what to do with them.
This is some pink I picked up at Jo-Ann's this morning. I am gathering together pinks to make the Log Cabin Heart, but I won't be ready to start that for a while.

I basted Tumbling Stars, but I forgot to take the camera upstairs, and I didn't feel like running down and getting it. I had a bit of trouble basting it because I must have measured wrong and the back wasn't big enough. I had to take it off the table twice and add strips to it to make it bigger. The first time I thought that it just wasn't wide enough until just before I was finished basting it and found that it was about 12 inches too short. Sigh. I did get it done and wound bobbins, then Ambrosina and I went to Jo-Ann's. I got needles and bobbins for the Singer and the pink fabric, and she got fabric to make bow ties for the boys. They've decided they want bow ties, they do that every so often, and she makes them each one. I have done it in the past, but David doesn't like them so I don't have to unless I want to for some reason or another.

I am late today, and dinner is almost ready, it's smelling awfully good. I need to get the fabrics put away so David can have his side of the bed, I guess I'd better get busy, so until tomorrow.

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