Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My 8th finished quilt of the year.
 My backing fabric wasn't big enough so I backed it with some of the ubiquitous pink. I wanted it to be light enough in color so that it wouldn't show through to the front and that worked.
This is a very old UFO, and not one of mine. I am still counting it as a finish because I quilted it and it took a lot of quilting. It is made of feed sacks, there is even a stamp "10 lbs." that didn't get washed out. The top was give to Ambrosina by Rose her mother-in-law. It was given to Rose by a friend. The friend's mother-in-law went into a nursing home and that was in her things when the estate was broken up. Ambrosina doesn't quilt yet so she asked me to quilt it for her. I am glad it is done. It is too pretty to be sitting around in a tub up in the attic unfinished.

I got a lot of practice in outline and echo quilting doing it and saw a big improvement  in my skills by the time I was done. There wasn't enough sun on the quilt so it doesn't show the quilting very well, but there is a lot of it. I wanted to be sure that it was well stabilized.

So tomorrow I start quilting on the next basted one. I have three basted quilts that are waiting to be quilted. I won't run out of work anytime soon. For now though a nap. We have a late evening planned and I am still fighting a cold. After my nap it will be time for some piecing out on Ernestine. I am getting a lot of finished Pinwheels stacked up, I still have a lot to go though and steady gets the job done.

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