Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Today was my monthly shopping day. A few things at Walmart. Then my favorite thrift store. And did I score big. Two bags of quilting fabrics!

This bag of lovely pink stripe combinations.
And this bag of shirting plaids, I know exactly what I am going to do with them but I have to wait  until I can sew upstairs again.

I also went to Joann's. Since Hancock and Mill Ends closed their prices are gone up. They know they are the only fabric store in town.
These blues for bird backgrounds cost 3 times as much as all the other fabrics combined. Thrift store availability is whatever someone donates, I can't often get what I need for a certain project unfortunately. I have to take what I can get and shop for particulars at Joann's. I like what I got at Joann's, I just wish it didn't cost so much; there weren't any sales there today either.

Well, the shopping is done for another month. There was an old Singer Touch and Sew machine at the thrift store but I didn't get it, it wasn't in very good shape and rusty. I liked the one I had many years ago, I used the decorative stitches a lot, but I don't need it for that I have Brunhilde the Viking for that now and space is always at a premium here.

My upstairs sewing corner is still unavailable, I know Ambrosina is working as fast as she can. The holes have to be taped and muded and painting touch up done and that takes time to dry between coats. It gives me a chance to work on patience, and heaven knows, I need that.

The first of the appliqued and embroidered girl blocks is done. I figured out last night how I want to set them when they are done. There are six in all and I love them! It's fun to do something simple and easy, makes a nice change. When they are done I will go back to the hexagons. The second is almost done so they won't take long to finish.

Now it's time to put my loot away and finish my coffee. There's work to be done!

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