Sunday, October 1, 2017

The insulating is done, now comes the hard part--clean-up!

I couldn't get many pictures, just going up to the bathroom set off my asthma and got me wheezing. The furnace fan is going full blast to get the air filtered. Soon the plastic will come off and things will be going back into place. We will all be glad.

This was a major family effort. It was Malachi's job to turn the machine off when they needed to move the hose into the next hole to be filled and soon he was able to tell when the hole was filled without being told and turn off the machine, pretty good for a nine year old. It was Sammy's job to bring in the bags of insulation, a celulose fiber. The bags were big but not heavy and he took his job very seriously, no one had to wait, one was there waiting when needed. Phillip helped fill the hopper of the blower and made no complaints what so ever. Am I proud of those three boys? You bet!
I stayed down here and treadled at Ernestine. I also took the machine apart down here and did their major clean and oiling. I will be helping with as much clean up as possible; we are all anxious to have the house back to normal. Ambrosina is going to patch the holes room by room. She wants to repaint  this winter anyway, and I am sure it will be worth all the work to have the house warmer with fewer drafts. She is hoping she won't have to put plastic over the windows this winter because of it, but I don't know about that.

So, I am hoping my upstairs sewing area will be available early this week, I would like to finish the quilt I have on the table, but patience is important, the boys need their rooms put back to normal first and I will just have to be supportive, if I can do nothing else.

The cats were shut down here while the work was going on and they had a running battle all over the basement as a result. They knocked a lot of stuff over down here and I have to put that stuff away as well. I think I have too much junk! It is time to get busy!

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