Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Happy Trails quilt top is done. It's strictly a utility quilt so I didn't worry about points matching too much. Well...I didn't worry at all. I like the pattern, it is very striking, and as for the slightly (or more) unmatched points I just call it folk art.

It was too wet and nasty to take the pictures outside, so they are not of the best, but you can see the horses. It will go into the tub in  the attic until I can quilt it.

The reason I do so many solid color quilts is also strictly utilitarian. My son-in-law's mother Rose makes quilts to sell on the internet and she uses only solids. The quilts she makes are the lone star pattern and she calls it Indian star because she is Indian (American, no politically correct Native American for her). This was a traditional pattern that the missionary women taught them so that they would have a way to earn money for themselves and Rose's grandmother taught her. I thought this was very interesting and a bit of quilt history that I was unaware of until a few years ago. Well the diamonds are cut in strips, naturally, and since the strips are very wide the end pieces are fairly large and very usable to a scrap quilter, and since she doesn't use them I do. When I get tired of solids I go into my small stash and find something a little more colorful. But I do like the solids too so it's never a problem.
I started another project today too, a small one. I was looking in one of my fabric tubs for something to make a tote out of and I found a really pretty piece of fabric with birds and bugs and flowers and bamboo on it. I suspect it was a sample I picked up from somewhere. I decided to do some embroidery on it and quilt it to make a wall hanging, so I started that this morning. Something is weird with the internet right now, so I will post the picture of it tomorrow. I have no idea, just sometimes especially on Saturdays and Sundays it does this so I just go with the flow.

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