Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's done. The trapunto quilt I started in the winter of 1998 is finally done. I finished it at 1:10 pm this afternoon and hung it on the porch to get a picture. (David had to get into the act)
I'm sorry my skills as a photographer are so limited and you can't really see the quilting very well. I was one block short so I thought that I would put a contrasting color in the center, but it didn't go over very well, and the pink block looks larger, but it isn't really. And now I notice I have some big wads of thread hanging in some of the sashings. Live and learn. I think, however that the satisfaction of having a bed covering that covers the whole bed and doesn't leave gaps for cold air to creep in when one turns over more than compensates for the odds and ends used and deficiencies in workmanship and design. And it's done. What a lovely word. Here is the back.
And as you can see, it's definite odds and ends on the back, at least in the center, but it's what I had and I didn't pay too much attention to them. I wish the quilting showed better, it's the first time I have ever done feathering freehand. I usually draw everything on, but it was a lot of fun just sewing it without thinking. David says he is going to make a rack to hang them on so we can see the whole quilt when we take pictures. Now that he is getting in on the quilt making business I can see improvements in things like that in the future.
I had my thyroid ultrasound today. No results yet, but it is only preventative, as I have no symptoms any sort of problem besides the normal. I feel confident that there is no return of the cancer.
Tomorrow I will clean up the sewing corner upstairs and put things from the quilt away then get a start on some of the other projects waiting for me up there. I have the Happy Trails blocks all pressed and will start getting some of them put together too. The completion of one project encourages me to go on and finish some more!

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