Monday, July 2, 2018

Julia Juki's parts came on Saturday, and wouldn't you know it I started having trouble with Brunehilde the Viking's tension on Sunday morning. I need to take her apart and figure out what her problem is, but I fixed Julia and used her on Sunday.
I redid A-7 Dad's Plaids because I didn't care for the way it turned, also I realized that I had used the same fabric as the one the day before and I want them all to be different yellows.
C-1 Trouper Green's badge, out of order because I was using them for leaders/enders on the Dresden Plate. That was Saturday.
Yesterday was  B-4 Chris's Soccer Field, also out of order.
A-9 Cabin Fever, which although easy enough, was very time consuming.

After I finished today's block I started piecing backs for the next quilts I will be basting since I now have Julia Juki to quilt with, yippie! This little block actually starts out like a Pineapple quilt block and I am wondering how they would be in the center of a Pineapple, something to think about.

The first batch of wool that I washed isn't quite dry yet, I think because the humidity is so high, so I put it out on a towel in the sun to finish it off, as long as I get it in before the dew, or if it storms, before the storm I will be all right. The next block, unless I applique, will require set-in seams. I don't have a problem with set-in seams, usually, but these are so small it could be a little difficult. There is a little curve to it too, which could be tricky.

Anyway, that's for tomorrow, the rest of the day down here will be for other things, all pleasant. If the wool gets dry I could start carding it although I have to dig the carder out of my trunk which is under some tubs. I put it away carefully so it wouldn't get ruined, but likewise, it's hard to get at. Oh well

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