Saturday, July 28, 2018

Well it ain't pretty but it works. It's taking the big hank quite a long time to dry but the smaller one will be dry at about the same time. I will continue to work with the smaller size it is easier to handle and quicker in the long run. Very soft and nice. Today I got comfortable enough with the wheel to put the brake on so I won't be over-twisting quite so much. It is a very stiff wheel and took me a while to get used to the action.
The reed is threaded all the way across and David is putting the breast beam back on. He managed to lose one of the bolts that holds it in place. He has a habit of sticking things in the first bare space he sees without regard to what might happen to it. And even after all these years he is still surprised when things get lost.

Dresden Plate ready for the borders. I think I am going to run out of steam pretty soon. I always have more energy in the summer. I think it is because my body doesn't have to work so hard to stay warm.
I think this one is called Pebble's Protest. I have not done much with Dear Jane lately I have too many other irons in the fire. Dear Jane can wait. I can't quilt right now, Julia Juki needs to go into the shop, I think her timing belt has slipped again because the upper thread is getting caught down in the hook. Makes a mess on the back. It's not any of the usual stuff. I can fix most things on the machines but timing isn't one of them.

So it's time to get to my afternoon's handwork. This is when I miss coffee the most I think. I drink water instead but it just isn't the same. Oh well, sigh.

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