Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fancy Nine-Patch. I used several different "whites" for background and the differences are highly visible. This was totally scrappy way back when and the scraps have a lot of memories for me. This one is for my bed. I used leftover lengths of binding from other quilts. I love this quilt. I cut it out when John was a baby sometime in 1990-91 not sure exactly when. I didn't have a lot of money for fabric in those days, mostly for clothes and so there are a lot of fabrics I recognize from clothes I made for myself or Ambrosina.
The back is also scrappy with leftover blocks. I use everything!

I washed the last of the wool yesterday. It's drying now.

I won't be sewing or spinning tomorrow. Our oldest grandson, Phillip, cut two tendons in his hand and has to have surgery to have them repaired in the morning. I will spend the day with his mother and other grandmother at the hospital. David will watch the other two boys. That will keep him busy and keep him from worrying at the same time because he can't do two things at once. We are still asking the question: How did a right handed person cut his right hand when he was chopping onions?
We can only conclude he was playing around with the knife and hope that he has learned his lesson. Who knows though? He is after all a fourteen-year-old. He is following a long line of tradition. His uncle Matthew could cut himself anyhow, any where at any time! His uncle Timothy was pretty good at it too.

So with my day planned for tomorrow I will have a lot of hand working time since I will be taking some applique with me. When I finish some of that I will have pictures. I am also going to dig out some yarn from under the bed and make some slippers as gifts for anniversary presents next month. They don't take long and I can't think of anything else to make for Doug and Rose, Leon's parents.

And so, I'd best get busy.

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