Monday, July 30, 2018

I took time today to go through my UFO tub and see how many applique blocks I have done. I didn't realize I had so many and I may have enough for a quilt.

I counted nineteen. I have two more prepped and one more that i am working on. That makes 22. If I set them 5 by t I only need 3 more. Naturally I would you lattice and cornerstones of some kind, I'll have to wait for inspiration on that. Coming along. I should finish the one I am working on sometime this evening. Exactly what I need another top to quilt.

Julia Juki goes in tomorrow. I hope they can figure out what's wrong with her, I still have 3 quilts basted ready for quilting. And a full tub of unbasted tops waiting their turn. I hate to see them piling up, but I shouldn't complain, I had the fun of making them.

My sister sent me a package of handmade soaps. I'll get a picture for tomorrow. They smell really good and the one I used today make my hands feel really nice.

So now it's time to get busy on that block I want to finish tonight.

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