Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A-10 Which Points West?

I didn't do much sewing today, I wanted to wash the next batch of wool before it got hot. And I did.
I don't have a lot of space down here in our tiny sitting room, but I dug the carder out of the trunk and got it set up.

So you just tease it apart and keep turning the handle until the drum is full.

Once the drum is full you find where the two ends of the cloth holding the hooks (can't remember the name of it right now) and slide a strong knitting needle along it.
 Pull it up until it tears in two.
 Turn the drum backwards and ease it off.
First bat ready to spin. The wheels are still up in the attic so it's going to be a couple of weeks, but one bat won't go all that far anyway. I need to get more carded before I am ready to spin.  The biggest problem will be finding someplace to store the carded wool. I wish all my problems were that difficult!

We are still being sued, even though the original  creditor has forgiven some of the debt the part that was in litigation didn't count. The lawyer has instructed us not to pay any more to them right now to give him a better position to negotiate. I am not a lawyer so it doesn't matter if that doesn't make sense to me.

I went to my nephrologist yesterday, my kidney function is up to 39 percent, so good news on that front. My anemia is bad and she said that might contribute so I have to have intravenous iron treatment a couple times because I'm not responding to other treatment.

In other good news the CA is now working and hopefully we will be able to sleep tonight!

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