Monday, July 16, 2018

I did finish the quilting on the Fancy nine patch today, but it doesn't look all that good because I am still having problems with Julia Juki, so she has to go into the shop. Tomorrow I will bind it and have a picture.
I did some spinning. This is going to be a quite heavy yarn because the wool is course. It is too heavy for my small spinning wheel so David brought down my big wheel. I haven't used it for a long time and there is no denying that I am out of practice. Well, it won't take long to get back in. This bobbin holds a lot of yarn and it will be easy to wash and block that big amount all at one time.
The boys are all very interested and wanted to try their hand at it. They found out that it isn't as easy as it looks. I didn't get Sammy's picture yesterday when he tried it, the camera wasn't handy. I did get Malachi's today though. Both boys have the drawing out part pretty well figured out. They just couldn't manage the drawing out and treadling at the same time so I spun the wheel for them as they worked with the wool. They soon went on to other things.
The mailman said that we set a record for his route today. We got sixteen packages in the mail. One of them was heddles for my loom so I will get back on to that tomorrow. There are three couples in this family that share the same anniversary in August and one that is one week later. Then there is one sometime this month so we make a big deal of it in August and buy presents for everybody with a big family dinner. We enjoy it very much. There are secrets flying about the house.
This lovely little lily was blooming this morning. The stalk is only about four inches tall. Ambrosina says she thinks it is because it is it's first year. They are supposed to be more like 3 feet tall. It's very pretty though.

Today I had my last intravenous iron treatment at the hospital. I hope it doesn't make me feel as sick as it did last week.

So it looks like another busy week. I won't complain about not having enough to do, and I won't get bored either!

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