Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Finished this morning. I think of all the hexagon quilts I've made I like this one best. I should have zoomed in a little more and I think I will re-take this picture at a later date. There are 5,185 hand sewn hexagons in this quilt and I did the edge slightly different from the last ones and I think I like it better.
I love this fabric on the back but I only had the one piece. I filled in the side with pieces of drapery fabric samples that I picked up elsewhere. I love those all too and used just my favorites on this back.

Julia Juki is still giving me problems so I think the timing has slipped again. She goes in for a check-up next week, I can fix a lot of things on a sewing machine but timing isn't one of them.

I am spinning a little every day between other projects and enjoying it tremendously.

This is the first skein of yarn off the wheel and onto the niddy-noddy. I washed it this afternoon and it is hanging out under the back porch with a weight on it to block it. It is a little over spun because I am out of practice and I have never used the big wheel except to ply before, but I am getting the hang of it now. So with the spinning and quilting this week I haven't done any piecing this week but I have tops a plenty waiting to be quilted so I am not in any hurry. Tomorrow I work at threading the loom.   One good morning should finish the heddles ready for the reed.

I got my lace pillow out yesterday and should have pictures soon. So I am busy, busy, busy this week and happy to be so.

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