Sunday, July 29, 2018

The right skein is has way, way too much yarn in it. I will keep to the smaller size. I haven't weighed it yet but I think it is about a pound. It was too hard to twist into the skein, but it should travel OK that way. I wouldn't want to try to dye that big of a skein, too hard to handle. It didn't block as well as the smaller skein either.  That was a full bobbin on the big wheel, so half a bobbin will be the best. I counted the wraps on the niddy noddy and it was fifty. There are not quite two yards with each wrap so we are looking at close to a hundred yards, which is quite a bit.

I have decided that the next adventure with this wool will be rug hooking. It's something I always wanted to do but never had the resources. Now I've got them. I am going to invest in some dye on payday. I love dying and haven't had a chance to do any for a long time. Before when I had a lot of wool and wanted to dye it with natural dyes I could never find the things I needed, now they are everywhere and cheap. Nice.

Tomorrow I will wash and hang out another skein ready on the niddy noddy. I have a lot of wool left, I don't intend to hurry through this, I am enjoying this too much. Something this much fun should be immoral, or, at least, illegal. But it's not, how happy I am to have it to do. Not quilting as much but I have so many UFOs caught up that I don't need it. Let me just relax in the glow

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