Friday, June 29, 2018

Here it is! The seventh hexagon top in the last four years and I am giving them a rest for a while. I always get carried away. I haven't counted the hexagons yet, I forgot and I don't want to stop and figure it out. It's the biggest so far.

I am still waiting for the part for Julia Juki so I can quilt again. They transposed the numbers on my address and have to resend it. I have learned not to order through the local dealership, they are so unbusiness-like that it's not worth it. I had to go in 3 times before they bothered to look up what the status was only to find out that it was on back order. When they were informed that it was on back order they should have informed me, so I am done with them. It's not their fault it was back-ordered. It was their fault I wasn't told.

Any way I have plenty to keep me busy but the tops are piling up again.

With this top finished I am now cleaning all the places I let go while I was finishing it. I am going to find the paper hexagons I used for months. They fall out and go every where. They are three quarters of an inch.
A-8 Florence Nightingale.

I decided to redo Dad's Plaids from yesterday because I forgot and used the same fabric from the one the day before. I didn't do a very good job on it anyhow so I decided to do it by hand. I don't think it will take long and I am doing a bunch of hand work catch-up that has been waiting for me to finish the hexagons.

The AC is still not working and it's supposed to get up to 98 today. I don't mind the hot but the humidity is so high that everything is sticky. It's a lot cooler down here in the basement, I wouldn't be surprised if we had young visitors tonight to cool down.

And now time for lunch, hot dog! Literally hot dogs left over from last night. Also cleaning, until it gets too hot down here. Then maybe a knitting project, so many things to choose from!!

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