Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday. I have been as busy as a beaver today. Should that be bee? Busy anyway.
Yesterday I really pushed myself and finished threading the heddles. The hard part is now done.
Today I got to the halfway point on the reed, this is comparatively easy, I don't have to hunch over so far. I hope to finish that tomorrow afternoon. I'll be weaving soon. I am going to get another heater for this winter so I can weave a little during the cold months. That's the plan anyway.

The carding and spinning are going fine.
I am washing and blocking one skein at a time, I can't do much more or I don't have space or energy. This skein was too big and it isn't blocking or drying very well so I tied another plastic bag on it and put some stones in the bag. I washed a second skein that is about half that size and hug it where the hanging plants are. They were dead anyway and I will hang them back up when one of the skeins is dry. I used to have a blocker, but I don't remember what happened to it when we moved out here from Washington. It probably went where the hand carders are that I can't find. And all the socks that are missing from the pair. In a warehouse in Walla Walla.
I need a quick gift so I am making some lace book marks. This is the kind of gift you can give only if you know the person you give it to is the kind of person who reads real books. I have nothing against digital reading, but you don't need a physical bookmark for those!

Needless to say with all the carding, spinning, lacemaking and threading of the loom I am not getting much sewing done. Something has to give. I have managed to get the Dresden Plate quilt top webbed, so there is a little progress on that front.

Now I think I'll relax with some knitting, I'm tired, but I am happy to say I earned it!

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