Monday, July 17, 2017

Too much help, way too much help. Waddles is ok but Happy was misnamed from the beginning. Waddles will take a polite hint, and even purr if I pick him up, but Happy says bad words and scratches, no matter how polite I am. Getting a purr out of her is rare, she doesn't really like anything but her ears scratched, and she tends to throw her weight around as boss cat to everybody. Waddles doesn't appear to be impressed though and he is the purrfect companion for her as he doesn't mind ruffling her fur the wrong way; although he is not aggressive he is a lot younger and only wants to play.

It is hot today, even for me. I have been slacking off winding warp and decided I was going to get it done this week come what may, but it was hard to stick to it. I think we are in for storms.
Two jars with warp wound, I am only about half way, as I said I am slacking off. I ran all my errands for the week this morning, so I didn't get a lot of sewing done, but the rest of the week I am going to put her in high and get the quilt I am working on done, and get the rest of the warp wound. I also have several pots I want to glaze before the kids go camping because I want to fire one last time while they are gone. Glaze firing gives Ambrosina a migraine.

I don't want to sell my ceramic stuff or my kiln but Ambrosina thinks I should so that is that. I think I started it too late in life, and there is a place in town I can go to if I get a hankering after it. That's life, get over it. Since I had to choose, I chose the loom, so I have to work on being content with that.

So today being Monday I got off to a slow start with my sewing, but it's faster to get my errands over with in one (although hot) day and not have the rest of the week broken up. David likes me to sit on the porch with him to drink my morning coffee, I like to drink my coffee at the machine and keep powering through so during the winter I do that and when it's warm enough I sit for a while our with him. The mail man always likes to stop and talk for a few minutes and I take a magazine out to read, so it's not a complete waste of time. So I don't get as much done in the summer as I would like, but there are other benefits.

So, talking of getting things done, I still have a big chunk of this afternoon to get something accomplished and it's time to get started.

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