Friday, July 21, 2017

Another finish, number 17 for this year. This Drunkard's Path variation has a lot of different names. Dirty Windows, Attic Windows for two. So I am calling it Dirty Attic Windows. Ambrosina says she has never seen clean attic windows, especially ours so it seems fitting. From a distance it looks like plaid, but it is really just curved piecing. I have to my recollection 12 more unquilted tops, 6 of those are UFOs so I am making a lot of progress. I have to make backs and baste before I can quilt any more, I will be working on those this weekend and probably into next week, planning to baste sometime next week. It will give my arms and shoulders a needed rest.
This is the back and I used up some odd blocks and some odds and ends of blue fabrics. It's helpful to piece backs because they use up a lot of fabrics and I never have a lot of any one fabric on hand. I like the variety a pieced back gives,  I think it makes it more interesting.

The warp for the next weaving project is three-quarters of the way wound, three more winding sessions. It is hard on my neck and shoulders too, but it will be worth it when I get the loom dressed and I am weaving.

We have an extra boy here. It multiplies the noise, not just adds to it.
Our poor old cat Chester is very sick, we think he may not be with us much longer, he can hardly stand up and won't eat, Ambrosina is trying to nurse him but we think we are going to lose him, he is fourteen. He tried to meow at me when I was upstairs but he can't make any noise, I don't know what the vet told her and I didn't ask. Poor old guy, he is the last kitten one of my old cats had, and has been a favorite for his nice personality and loud purr as well as for his beauty.
The other two cats are very gentle with him. We will miss him. Well maybe I am jumping the gun, he could improve.

So now it's time to do some handsewing and relax with my feet up, it seems like it's been a long day.


  1. Love your quilt backs, very interesting.

    Sorry about your family member getting on with age. Hopefully all will work out. Sending big hugs your way.
