Monday, July 24, 2017

The pile of unquilted tops is getting smaller. I have five backs pieced now with only one more to go before I spend a day basting them. That will be on Friday, with the boys home from school it is best to wait until they are gone for a day over at Grandma's so I can have the dining room free and clear.

When I started putting these blocks together using 
 these for sashings I discovered that I had only counted the horizontal ones and didn't have enough to finish the top, so I am spending my before going to bed time finishing enough of them to make the top. I don't have time to quilt it yet anyway so I am in no hurry.
Sammy has had a cold the last few days, he has generously shared it with me. I got up with a sore throat and started coughing a little bit ago. Well, that's what one gets for living with children. Even with catching every virus going around it's a lot more fun with them and I love every minute of it. He and Gramps and Malachi are "working" out in the garage this afternoon; it's a lovely day and not too hot, in fact, down here in the basement, I am cold but a sweater will fix that. I'm almost always cold anyway, and this time of year I go outside where there is no AC to get warmed up.

One more back to piece tomorrow and then I can concentrate on some UFOs out of the bins. This afternoon more work on this:
my latest hexagon quilt. I would never have used orange to set the blocks together, but for some reason I cut out a lot of orange hexagons and needed to use them. I am really liking the way the color is setting off the other colors and am very glad I used orange. I've really never cared for orange or green or gold too much, we can thank the seventies for that; I'm really pleased with this orange though. I'd say I am about two-thirds completed with the top and it's going really fast; I am already thinking of designs for the next one.

I'm now going to watch some Sherlock Holmes (who never fails to please) while I sew. A nice thing to do while I am not feeling good and want to work with my hands.

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