Tuesday, June 26, 2018

This humungous tub of wool came yesterday, courtesy of my sister Sella. The word "excitement" is too mild! I haven't been able to do much spinning for a long time because I had nothing to spin. This wool is from sheep who are being raised for meat, so it won't be the best wool. Also it is very dirty because raising them for meat means they aren't careful to keep them clean. Well, I don't really care. There are at least four fleeces in the tub. This morning I spread it all out and threw out the badly soiled bits, it's called "skirting".

Now, I have been telling David for about 3 weeks it was coming. We have been having long discussions about how I was going to wash it and what I was going to need. He said he would take care of the "arrangements" so I could have water out under the back porch to work. So, why did he wait until I was ready to start work to get things in place so I could work? Is there any answer to that question? I try not to get annoyed that he can't take care of anything in a timely manner, but it has bugged me our entire life together that he cannot get things done when he should. I don't suppose he ever will so it's my attitude that needs adjusting. Sigh. Anyway I can't let it spoil the fun I am going to have with this wool, and since I've aired my pet peeve I suppose in the great scheme of things it doesn't matter much that I have to wait until tomorrow to start washing it.
Fluffed out and piled on sawhorses after I sorted it. Even throwing some of it away that is still an enormous pile of wool. Having a hard time waiting to start washing it.
A-5 Cathy's Campfire. This one was quick and easy with straightforward paper piecing of the flying geese units. So much fun. Naturally I would like to dive in and work straight through the book, but I still have a few UFOs to get through. Maybe it makes it more enjoyable to do only one at a time. The plan is to use a different yellow for each block, I'll have to get some more yellows. Probably fat quarters, or even charm packs.

And now it's time for hand work, I am thinking a couple more days and I will have the hexagon quilt top done, can't wait for that either!

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