Saturday, June 23, 2018

Despite my resolve to write more often I get busy and forget. I am putting overtime in on the hexagon quilt to get it finished so I can give hexagons a rest for a while.
Last night while I was trying to work on it first assistant Happy decided that she needed attention more than I needed to sew and every time I tried to pick up the edge and work on it she would hiss and slap me. She was in a crabby mood and it wasn't helped when the kitten got up and tried to tackle her. I escaped with minor bleeding.
Then Thursday I got this. I've been interested for quite a while and when I sold a quilt I used some of the money to get it on Amazon. It is a used one, I couldn't afford a new one, but it is signed by the author. Well, of course, I dove right in.
Friday A-1 Pinwheel Gone Awry. I am hooked, but good! My seams aren't perfect, and I learned when I copied it from the book that for paper piecing it needs to be reversed and my copier doesn't reverse so I had to allow for that and it took more time than I anticipated. Fun though.
A-2 One-Two Buckle My Shoe. Again seams not perfect, but the idea is to enjoy doing it and perfection is over rated anyway.

I am going to allow myself to do one a day until I get both the Dresden Plate and the latest hexagon quilt done. I decided that I would start at the beginning and work my way through to the back. Probably the only way I can keep track of what I am doing. I know that a lot of people are buying the software and printing out the paper piecing patterns, but I can't afford it. When I first started quilting you couldn't get books or magazines. Then for many years I used magazines and books, so I guess I can use a book without any problems. I choose yellow/white because I have been wanting to make a yellow and white quilt for a long time and it might as well be this one!

It's hard to resist the temptation to flick through the book and pick and choose which blocks I want to make, but method before madness!

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