Friday, June 15, 2018

No matter what I do, I always get entirely too much help.

With most of the UFOs caught up I have been taking the opportunity to switch over to weaving while the weather is warm enough. Someday, so the promises go, that side of the basement will be finished and there will be heat and a bathroom. It gives me more time to practice patience while I am waiting.
Last fall I wound the warp onto the warp beam on the loom. Yesterday I pulled the first bundle through from the back and started threading the heddles.
This is the way it looks coming out of the lease sticks on the back, when I get it all threaded those come out.
The first heddles threaded. I was afraid that I would have forgotten where I left off, but I made careful notes and was able to pick right up where I left off. Unfortunately it's quite dusty over there. I got to the halfway point today, I am a little slow because I don't do it enough. I am planning some smaller, shorter projects so I can get some practice in after I use up this warp.
This is where I am at with the hexagons, over halfway done there. Happily I haven't come up with any new ideas for hexagons so maybe I won't feel compelled to start another one when this one is done. I want to knit and crochet for a while. I have three hand applique tops that I want to hand quilt too, so it is time to give the hexagons a rest.

I sold the turquoise Grandmother's Flower Garden, and I am pleased about that. I needed the space and the money and, after all, the joy is in the making.

The kids left to go camping early this morning, tomorrow we are going out to join them for the day. David likes his own bed, and he's not feeling very good right now. The lawyer call him this morning, we are still being sued and he's not been able to get anywhere with them so he has outlined the next steps and we go to see him next week. The lawyer said he consulted a lawyer who specializes in Social Security and they cannot garnish our income from SS so he thinks he has something he can do about what's going on, but it's still pretty stressful.

Anyway I think things could always be a lot worse, so I will just try to enjoy what I can do, and not think about what I can do nothing about. Not always easy, but better than letting myself worry.

We also have a little black kitten to keep us occupied, such fun!

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