Thursday, May 3, 2018

Working on my last pieced border. The squares are out of inch and a half strips and finish at one inch. It's really easy to get the border the right size with these small squares. I am alternating pink-green-pink and green-pink-green strip sets to get a pink-green checkerboard three squares wide. It's hard to believe this quilt top is only about 3 days away to it's finish. Its gone together so smoothly without being hard to make the effort the ways it seems they used to. It must be the experience.
These are the two newest members of the family, Patchwork and Piecing.
These two older members of the family are absolutely fascinated. I don't leave them in my room with the birds. I don't think they can reach them but I don't want to take any chances. I really wanted a canary but couldn't afford them, so I decided to be happy with with two parakeets. They don't sing quite as pretty but they talk a lot. And they play so cute I can't help but laugh. The cat's antics are pretty funny too.

I spent the afternoon cleaning and putting away things in the bedroom. Tomorrow it's the sitting room. Since I got everything cleaned up I want to stay on top of it, especially since it's warm enough down here now that we are finally getting Spring. Actually it was 84 degrees on Tuesday, that's Summer.

I had two doctor's appointments this week. Yesterday it was a diabetes check and everything is ok with that, it's nice to have good news. No more doctor's appointments until near the end of the month.
The car is actually behaving. I'll take what I can get!

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