Friday, May 18, 2018

Another top finished. It seems they are all coming together at once lately. I finished this one on Ernestine the treadle this afternoon although I finished the blocks about a year and a half ago. This is one of my Pinwheel series and there are quite a few blocks left in the tub. At 32 triangles per block and 144 blocks there are 3,608 triangles in this quilt. That's a lot of triangles although I never count pieces before I start to piece. If I did I probably would not start. Anyway it's ready to be quilted. And the tops are piling up again.

I hope the part for my machine comes soon. I need to get quilting!

Hexagons are coming along pretty fast too.

My little birds are escape artists. We had a lot of fun catching them.
They are fast. Happily I could shut the door and keep the other bird catchers out.
Wishful thinker. Any way you look at it, it makes life fun. I never leave the door open if I am not in the room. I love having birds again, I have missed them so much these past years I haven't had birds. I miss having canaries, but am content with these little beauties. They are very talkative and just love conversing with the sewing machines. They talk back to the TV too and like really loud music. Hmm sounds like some teenagers I know.

Now I need to plan the next quilt that Ernestine the treadle and I will work on. I don't know whether I will use some more of the Pinwheel blocks or start something entirely new. Or, maybe one of the UFOs upstairs in the tub. We will see.

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