Monday, March 4, 2019

 I-5 Maria's Majesty

So, this is the one I started the applique on last Saturday, I finished it yesterday afternoon in between
moving furniture and unpacking a few things. I can't quite remember what my reasoning was to go out of order and do it, but I did and so it is done.
H-9 Snowflake Melt also done yesterday and these two triangle border blocks.

This morning I only managed two blocks. I probably could have done another one but I have some other things I need to get done, mainly getting some more things put away. I have already one box ready for Goodwill and hope I find a lot more because I have too much STUFF!
 H-10 Ben's Bowtie, and this finishes row H because I did the last few out of order for various reasons.

It holds my interest still, that is, I don't have to make myself work on it the way I do sometimes when I've been on a project this long. There are some other things that I will need to do soon. I still haven't finished my blue dress. The problem on that is that I need buttons so I know what size I need to make the buttonholes and they are packed away. Soon I hope they will be accessible and I can sort out what I need to finish the dress.

I can't do much spinning right now so it's dragging on, the wheel is very stiff and my knees are bothering me so much that five minutes at a time are all about I can manage. It's too bad because the plying is going so much faster that if I could spin more I would be able to get done.

David is supposed to be bringing me in some more boxes to unpack so if he has I need to get to work on those. I can't wait to have all the things I use available to me once more.

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