Friday, April 12, 2019

Now that it's off the niddy-noddy and relaxed a bit I am more than ever in love with this yarn and it is so soft. Still haven't decided what to knit with it but I have time for that, I am only halfway through the hat and scarf sets that I need to get done.

Now that the remodel is done I was able to bring Sweetheart in from the garage and she is a pleasure to spin on. My other wheel, Big Girl, is a good wheel but she doesn't work well for a fine yarn and she is also a pretty stiff wheel. I like her for plying, but for just a straight spin of fine yarn Sweetheart is the best.
I divided the roving in half lengthwise, I am doing a sort of fractal spin. I don't think that the color of the roving has enough difference to make a real fractal spin show the color variations. I am spinning across the top of the roving to keep the color variations true, but it is mostly yellows and yellow greens. This is not a combination of colors that I work with much. I tend to go for reds and pinks with my yellows. Green is not a flattering color for me so this is pretty much outside my usual color schemes, but I fell in love with this roving, probably because it has so much yellow in it, and I also love yellow.
The bobbin on Sweetheart is small unlike Big Girl's. However, Sweetheart was originally made to spin flax, which is spun fine. I don't spin with flax, I have no source, not that I wouldn't mind trying it, but she works just as well with a fine fiber like merino wool, which is what I am working with.

I am hoping my sister will send me some more wool to work with, I am determined to always have something on one of the wheels.

I haven't resumed weaving yet, but I have mostly everything unpacked I am almost done putting everything away. My sewing corner upstairs is mostly sorted out and I putting stuff up there away to. I had let it get pretty bad while I was working on my Dear Jane.

Still cold and snowing but it's supposed to end soon. Meanwhile I can dream of warm weather and coffee on the porch when I get up, soon to happen, I hope!

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