Friday, April 5, 2019

And here is the latest of the Dear Jane installments:
 L-9 Walter's Place
 L-10 Nan's Naiad
L-11 Caitlin's Rose

There is another on almost done, all that it requires is a little hand applique which I will do this afternoon. Which makes only fourteen to finish after that, I must have miscounted yesterday. So row L is almost done and then there is only row M. I feel good about that because it is time this project is done!

I even took a little time to spin today, although it isn't actually spinning but plying which is faster and easier. It's time that project is done too.
 This came yesterday from Amazon. Ambrosina does not like me dyeing in her kitchen so I will use this hot plate down here in the laundry room on top of the washer and dryer, thus I have a dye kitchen. the counter isn't done yet but I am going to get David on that next week. He doesn't know it yet I will save the happy tidings until after he has his coffee sometime this weekend. He will enjoy working on it once he gets started. Starting him is the hard part and he doesn't have an electronic starter. Or a remote one for that matter.
 These are some food colorings I picked up on Wednesday. There is no source of dye here in Sioux Falls but I have seen some wonderful results with food coloring, especially this kind and I am looking forward to trying the different colors. I have done a little with them but since the veto on dying in the kitchen I have had to wait until the work down here was finished. Now I haven't the time until I get Dear Jane done. I will really need a change of pace by then.
I am really looking forward to it, I have always enjoyed the dyeing process and have never been able to get enough of it. Using food coloring is more expensive in the long run, buying acid dyes would be cheaper, the initial outlay however, to get a variety of colors, would take more money that I would be able to come up with at any given time. We do what we can, I refuse to complain and I am just happy to have what I do have.

So this is for next week, meanwhile I work on Dear Jane.

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