Thursday, February 14, 2019

The temperature was finally up to 13 degrees yesterday so Ambrosina and I took the opportunity to get my errands done yesterday. Joann's, the quilt store and the yarn store. I got a few more yellow fabrics at the quilt store but I forgot to take a picture of them. I will do so tomorrow. I got yarn at Joann's and the yarn store. Wool at the yarn store and acrylic for hats and scarves at Joann's. I'll have pictures of those tomorrow too.
G-5 Poof.  I could have pieced the curved parts but decided to piece the background and applique the curved center, but if I do it again I will piece the whole thing, I am not all that good at applique.

I like this, it looks like a tree, this is the second triangle block and quite fun. The triangle blocks are not named.

The shower is coming along, she did concrete for the floor and there are now cat prints in it.

I started plying my red singles, it won't be a true fractal spin, there are too many breakages and I got some of them out of order, but it will still be very pretty. Plying doesn't take any where near as much time as spinning and I will have to decide on my next spin soon.

I am on my 7th hat and scarf set, that means I am a quarter of the way through so I am doing well on time, even though I don't care working with acrylic yarn I am keeping at it. The reward will be when I am done I will be able to cast on a wool sweater for me, I have a design and color in mind. All I have to do is keep going for a while.

And now it seems like time for a nap, I don't know why I am so sleepy.Tomorrow I hope to have a lot of pictures.

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