Thursday, February 21, 2019

I got this bolster pillow cover finished a few weeks ago, and never got around to showing it. If we don't have a long pillow the bed eats the small ones we use. It somehow slides away from the wall and we wind up with no pillows on the bed where we need them. I made two so we'd have an alternate when we wash the one on the bed. I am presently working on pillow shams for the small pillows. I hope to run out of the cut tumblers soon!
G-11 Decisions, Decisions, the fabric doesn't show how pretty it is in the photograph.
This is by the far the trickiest and time consuming so far but it's only the seventh, there could be harder ahead.
This one needs to be pressed and trimmed. I will do so tomorrow morning when I go upstairs to sew. I pieced it and then appliqued the piece on the bottom. I couldn't seem to get a very good picture showing the detail.

Anyway that's where I am right now.

We are expecting more snow tomorrow, joy of joys

I am hoping to get my loom moved tomorrow so I can weave again, that's how far things are progressing down here!

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