Tuesday, November 20, 2018

So, I'm still not accomplishing a lot right now. Or, at least I don't have a lot to show for what I am working on. What will happen is I will finish a lot of things at the same time. My sewing corner is due to be torn up on Thursday because they have to run the vent for the bathroom down here up that corner of the dining room. The vent has to be above the highest drain in the house which is the bathroom upstairs. The bathroom wall will have to be broken into also.  Things are going slow because David isn't up to much these days. With tact I have to suggest that he go down and work for ten minutes and then if he still doesn't feel good he can always go lay down. He usually feels well enough to work for a couple of hours. What I didn't say was that I am sick of him sitting around feeling sorry for himself because he doesn't feel as young as he used to. Maybe I am learning wisdom in my aging years! I told that to Ambrosina and she laughed and said that he wouldn't have taken that well even though it may be true.

I have learned a new knitting technique called brioche. It is double sided and makes a soft, squishy fabric. It wouldn't be good for garments, but for things like scarves it's really nice. The above pictures are the reverse sides. It's fun to do but takes longer because each row has to be knit twice, once with each color.
There are a lot of patterns that I want to try, and since I have decided to knit scarves and hats for the whole family I will get plenty of practice. I can knit a hat in an after noon but the scarves take longer. I have been on the current one for four days but I have been working on a lot of other things at the same time so that has to be considered in. I do about 8 inches in an evening's knitting. It uses a lot of yarn too.

With one thing and another I am keeping busy although I don't yet have a lot to show for it. My printer stopped working and I have to get another one payday, so I will get behind in my schedule for paying off some bills so we can get a new car. I did factor in unexpected expenses when I made my plans because things always come up. Our lawsuit has been dropped and so our lawyer is helping us fill out the papers for debt forgiveness since they are doctor bills and we always qualify. We finally got David's first hip paid off from 12 years ago. Now we are working on his heart attack in Washington four years ago. We have never in our entire life together haven't been paying on doctor's bills, I don't know how we would feel if we ever got them paid off! It would be nice to find out.

Well anyway, that's where I am at in this point of time.

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