Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Motivation hasn't been strong these last couple of weeks. With everything torn up down here and most of my stuff outside under the back porch, under tarps, I can't get at anything to work. The loom is under plastic in a corner, under the stairs and I don't dare take the plastic off because of the dust. Things are piled everywhere here in the finished part of the basement. These are not complaints, I am quite happy that I am getting a bathroom down here, just an explanation why I am not feeling particularly inspired right now. It's more like I am marking time until things start up again.
 So this is the framing pretty close to done. This is Anthony's room which is in the southeast corner.
This is the northeast corner, the door on the left is the mechanical (furnace, hot water heater) laundry room/dye kitchen. The door on the right is the bathroom. I'm sorry the picture is blurry, I must have wiggled while I was taking it and didn't realize. There is not going to be a lot of room left over there so I am in the process of deciding which pieces of furniture have to go to new homes.

I have filled up another box for Goodwill, and the trunk you can barely see in the left hand corner is now going to Timothy and Rosa. All in the family. Getting rid of stuff has always been hard for me, but is character building, I suppose.

I haven't been working on Dear Jane because the printer isn't working, no surprise there it is over ten years old, and I haven't been able to print out the patterns. Something will have to be done about it, but we haven't decided what yet.
 These are the current hand work projects. I am making knitted hats and scarves for everybody.
And to satisfy my desire to make lace I alternate some crocheting with the knitting. This pattern is from that old Workbasket magazine that I made the doll sweater out of. The patterns assume quite a bit of experience and skill. One has to fill in between the lines and look at the pictures to figure out what they mean. I am not sure what I will do with it because lace doilies are not in style and nobody uses them any more, but I find it relaxing while I am sort of between projects.

Not earth shaking I know, but it's these sort of things that make life pleasant and enjoyable.

Anyway I thought I'd catch up, and now I have!

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