Friday, March 30, 2018

This last week has been extremely difficult, I'm glad I don't have many like it. A month or so ago I went to the doctor for routine blood work and found that my kidneys aren't functioning properly. The doctor said sometimes they get that result when a person is dehydrated so I made sure to drink a lot of water and had the test redone last week. The results were worse and my kidneys are failing. There could be a lot of reasons so I am trying not to worry, I see the nephrologist on the 11th and we will go from there.
I still managed to get this done. My grandmother pieced this quilt, she died in 1980 when Ambrosina was a baby so it probably was in the seventies. Most of the fabric is definitely seventies, and mostly ugly too. She used everything. There are pieces of an acrylic sweater in it. The squares weren't very square and didn't match in size. It was very difficult to quilt, going through all those layers and she zigzaged the raw edges of the seams together which added a lot of bulk. I remember aprons she had out of some of the fabrics. When I was working down one side I didn't notice that I had pinned a great big ol' wrinkle in the backing and I had several rows quilted before I realized it. I decided to leave them in as part of the rich heritage of the quilt (ha ha).
If you look closely you can see it in the bottom corner and I don't care! It's done and I am going to send it to my sister who will appreciate it for what it is. When I get the money for shipping that is. Sigh.

David and I are being sued in small claims court. It is for a doctor bill. We applied for debt forgiveness and they stopped sending statements so we assumed that it had been granted. We never denied the debt and were making payments on it, small ones, but still making payments on it when they stopped sending the bills. That hasn't helped the stress levels and I thought David was going to have another heart attack when we got the registered letters. I contacted my caseworker and she is trying to get us in touch with a financial assistant that can give us some idea what to do about it.

Just one more thing in life's experience I guess.

The kiln and potter's wheel went to a new home this week, now we have the money to take the bus out and see the kids and grand kids. Last night David texted us that they were going to be in Arizona for the summer so we don't know for sure when we will go. We have to wait until after I see the specialist until we decide anyway.
 What a cute little tummy!
My sweet assistants Happy and Waddles have been extra sweet and funny the last few days. They always know when we need extra attention. We had to move the plant so Waddles wouldn't chew on it and get sick.
We went to my favorite thrift shop after I had my blood work done and I got a bag of scraps. This was flour sacking. I don't run across it very often any more. Most people call them feed sacks, but I remember that mother got flour in them. One summer she made us all matching shorts out of them. And that is dating me!
And this is the next bag out of the bottomless tub of UFOs. Not really bottomless. I was able to put a couple of unquilted tops in it to get them out of the way so progress is being made!

And of course, the eternal hexagons.
Hard to see on the quilt, but they are Grandmother's Flower Garden shaped blocks and star blocks to be alternated. I'm only getting a good start on them, but they are interesting.

So that's it for a while. Things won't change until I get some of the hand work that remains on some of the UFOs done. No complaints, it could always be mending!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I recently got news which I will discuss in a email. Stay positive and focus. Sending you lots of big hugs!!!
