Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Another idea that didn't work out so good! I had read about using these inexpensive (so called $10.00 is a lot of money for me) oven sheets to substitute for a slider (I can't remember the exact name). I taped it down with double sided tape and it still moved over under the needle. It didn't break the needle but there was this awful thumping as it went in. It took me a few seconds to realized what was going on and naturally I had to do some ripping out. It lasted just 24 hours. Back to the drawing board! I've heard turtle wax on the bed of the machine helps, so that is next.

The good news is the next baggie of UFOs is a quilt! It will be nice to have a change from doll clothes, they all have to be done, but a change is nice. A couple more days on the current bag of doll clothes and then a quilt, yay!


  1. Have you tried the slider. It is a Teflon thing. That is what I used to learn stippling on my sewing machine.

    1. Yes I priced them, but I couldn't afford one and I had heard that these work just as well for a quarter of the price. Ha ha, jokes on me!
