I didn't think that I was ever going to get a chance to weave this week. My temple (the green thing) was missing a screw. I think I mentioned that before, I went up to my junk drawer in the sewing table and the first screw I saw fit perfectly. Guys have to over think everything. Or else, not think enough, I don't know which.
So i wove in the first inch of tabby, the plain white strip, and tried to place on the temple and the clip that holds the two rods in place was missing. I hadn't used it in a very long time so no surprise there. It too is probably in a warehouse in Walla Walla with my hand carders and all the missing sock mates.
Well necessity gave birth again.
The velcro cable ties that the sewing machine repairman puts on my sewing machine cords to keep them tidy. Works great!
Now, as I went to weave, the sewing box that is on casters that I sit on to weave broke and almost threw me onto the floor. I wedged a piece of 2 x 4 under the corner but it still tilts and makes it very hard to treadle, sigh. We work with what we've got.
I dyed yesterday, picture of the yarn tomorrow, it's hanging out to dry. We have had the wettest August on record and it's taking days to dry my yarn when it usually takes just hours.
Now, from the noise upstairs, the boys are home and I want to run (more like plod) upstairs and see how their first day of school went.
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