My husband, David, fights off aliens in his sleep, and Indians and who knows what or who else. He yells and sings in his sleep. He makes fists and hits hard, really hard. I've known him to skin his knuckles on his nightstand. If I connect with one of his wild swings I get hurt. We have this agreement that he never goes to sleep facing me because then I am on the side of his flailing fists. On his back or on his right side I am ok. Well, since his surgery he can't sleep on his right side. Sometimes he needs a change of position so he has been going to sleep on his left side, and last night he connected. A hard fist under my right shoulder blade and I am crippled today. I know that this is not his fault, and he is contrite, but I am still a little angry, I did warn him every evening when he was falling asleep in that position that if he hit me I was going to be mad. I am mad. I'll get over it. I always do. After he has full recovery he is going to have a sleep study done to see if he has apnea. I do and use a c-pap. It made a huge difference in how I feel and if David has that problem I might be safer at night. I would hate to have to go to sleeping in twin beds, but for my safety we might have to.

My assistance is mostly Happy again. I got the next quilt pin basted and worked for a while on my postage stamp quilt. I have one more bobbin to use up before I wind bobbins for this quilt. I am thinking I might use light yellow, but I am not sure, it might be better to go with white since this quilt is tans and browns and white. I love the log cabin pattern, I have made many and I probably will make many more. When I get a big pile of strips that I want to use up the log cabin goes so fast and is so much fun. Now that I am quilting each top as I finish it I am getting a large number of quilts piling up on my shelves. I am hoping that my listing on
Etsy will produce some sales, but if not I suppose that I could hoard them like a miser. "Look at all my beautiful quilts, not good for anything sitting there getting dusty, but they are mine, all mine. Mwahaaa!!" I would rather sell them. Or give them away if they don't sell. Someone might love them the way I do.
I will give it time, it's not hurting anything for them to sit there on Etsy. It doesn't cost very much to list them and I can wait.
We are supposed to get snow on Friday, the first of the season. Five months until spring. I wonder how many quilts I will have done by then?
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