I have been having trouble getting online the last few days, I think being in the basement doesn't help much. I need to scan for spyware too.
I have had a busy week, I finished my coat and 4 hats, 2 of which I am going to send to Ben and Jazzy.
My knee pain has gotten a little better although the back pain is still quite bad. I have been able to restart treadling in the basement and that is progress. I have the vertical rows of the T quilt sewn together and am ready to join the horizontal rows. Then up to the tub in the attic waiting for the soon to come spring when I can get the quilting frame up and running. I have to get at least 4 tops quilted this spring and summer, Arty's, Sam's, Rosa's and Anthony's T. I need to get a couple for my bed done too as both my quilts are so far gone one is not even in good enough shape for a cutter quilt.
other has about a couple of more years to go I think.
I have 8 quilts started in the sewing corner upstairs, but I don't think that there is anymore up in the attic, except unquilted tops. I've determined that I won't start another one up there until they are at least to the finished top stage. I started work on one that I started in 1998 when we lived in the first house in Aberdeen. I finished 3 more blocks this week. It is a quilt as you go, so it at least will be ready for my bed next winter. I don't like doing quilt as you go, but I already had this one started before I realized I didn't like doing it that way. I hope it will be big enough as I don't want to have to make any more blocks than I have already cut out. This is a long post I know but I wanted to get caught up.
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